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Rich Price - Physical Electronics Newsletter for the Northeast
Providing the latest news to youFebruary 2010
Upcoming Events

AVS Hudson Mohawk Chapter Spring Meeting and Talks
Date: March 25
Location: Troy, NY
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2010 MRS Spring Meeting
Date: April 5-9
Location:  San Francisco
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Rich's Contact Info
email: [email protected]
Mobile: 508.479.0299

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Quote of the day...

"Scientific progress is measured in units of courage, not intelligence."

- Paul Dirac


Greetings,Picture of Rich Price

We are almost halfway through February and it has been a few months since my last newsletter.  That was not the original plan when I started the newsletter, I intended to send more frequently, but somehow there are not enough hours in the day.  So, happy belated New Year to all!

It was a down year for everyone in 2009, but we seemed to weather the storm and are ready to move forward into 2010.  The end of 2009 had very busy months for me with trade shows and customer visits.  AVS at the beginning of November proved to have more attendance than I anticipated, and the MRS show at the end of November broke the attendance record... definitely not what I had expected in a poor economy!  It was a pleasure to see so many familiar faces, and new ones as well.  Maybe the attendance was a sign of good things to come in 2010!  We are already experiencing a lot of activity this year, and as the snow continues to fall here where I live outside of Boston, and for the team in Minnesota as well, it has not slowed us down as we pick up the pace for 2010.  I am starting to plan my next wave of travel and ask that you please let me know if there are needs and questions you may have, I would be happy to pay a visit to you.

I hope all is well, and I look forward to the new year and further communications!

Rich Price

PHI 700Xi Ready for Demonstration in MN

The PHI 70700xi0Xi Scanning Auger Nanoprobe provides high performance Auger (AES) spectral analysis, Auger imaging, and sputter depth profiling of complex materials including: nanomaterials, catalysts, metals, and electronic devices.

New features introduced with the 700Xi include: a high energy resolution spectroscopy capability, a scintillation detector for improved secondary electron imaging performance, and a manual user interface (knob box) for control of imaging functions.

More 700Xi info...


The Next Round of MRI Funding from NSF

Once again NSF is accepting proposals for the Major Research Instrumentation Program.  Some of our customs have been successful in the past in getting funding for our instruments and we would be glad to provide as much help as we can.

Some snippets from the NSF website:

Full Proposal Deadline Date:  April 21, 2010

Instrument acquisition or development proposals that request funds from NSF in the range $100,000-$4 million will be accepted from all eligible organizations. Proposals that request funds from NSF less than $100,000 will also be accepted from all eligible organizations for the disciplines of social, behavioral and economic sciences and from non-Ph.D.-granting institutions of higher education for all NSF-supported disciplines.

Cost-sharing at the level of 30% of the total project cost is required for Ph.D.-granting institutions of higher education and for non-degree-granting organizations.  Non-Ph.D.-granting institutions of higher education are exempt from the cost-sharing requirement.

More info from NSF...